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Monday, January 18, 2010

We are proud to announce the complete 8 week Fat Loss Stack (FLS)!

The Fat Loss Stack (FLS) includes 3 proven products that will help you shed pounds of fat -

2 bags of CLA (Conjugated linoleic acid)
2 bottles of Green Tea capsules
1 bottle of DermaTherm Target

The FLS is an 8 week stack that will ramp up your metabolism and increase fat burning when combined with a low calorie diet and exercise program. The FLS combines three products scientifically proven to be safe and effective fat loss agents that will allow you to shed pounds of unwanted fat, more than just diet and exercise alone.

Human studies prove that all of these products work. When combined, all three products work synergistically together to give you great results.

But don’t take my word for it. Instead, take a look at the human clinical trials that demonstrate the effectiveness of these products and exactly how they work

DermaTherm Target
A topical fat loss cream

DermaTherm Target is a unique spot specific fat loss cream, because it actually works.

The main active ingredient in DermaTherm Target is theophylline.

Several human studies have confirmed theophylline's ability to significantly reduce fat mass at the site of application after only 8-12 weeks of use. (8-11) In one study with men and women, theophylline reduced waist circumference 110% over the group not using the cream. (9) In another study, women who used theophylline cream around their thighs for 5 weeks had up to a 300% reduction in thigh circumference compared to the placebo group. (8)

Theophylline works by stimulating cAMP, which increases lipase activity in the fat cell. (6,7) Lipase is the fat dissolving enzyme that breaks down fat into fatty acids so it can be used for energy. (7) Therefore, it’s important to be following a low calorie diet in order to utilize these fatty acids for energy before they are re-deposited elsewhere.

Dermatherm Target is the perfect solution for targeting specific “problem areas” that normally would be difficult to burn off with regular diet and exercise (such as the lower abdomen in men or the thighs in women).

DermaTherm Target further enhances the fat loss process with raspberry ketone and evodiamine to assist in lipolysis and lipase activity. (12,13)

The FLS includes 1 bottle of DermaTherm Target, which is an 8 week supply (enough to cover any main "problem area").

CLA softgels
Conjugated linoleic acid

CLA creates a leaner body by reducing fat storage and increasing muscle growth.

CLA does this by reducing the action of GLUT-4 (insulin-responsive glucose transporter) in adipose tissue, and increasing its action in muscle tissue. This shifts glycogen storage towards muscle cells rather than fat cells. (1)

In one study, men and women who took 3.4 g/day of CLA lost 4 lbs of fat over a 12 week period, while the placebo group gained 3 lbs of fat. (2) CLA has also has the ability to target fat loss in "problem areas" dependent upon the sex. For instance, men who took CLA for 4 weeks had significant reductions of fat from the abdominal region. (3) Another study with overweight women showed a significant and targeted reduction of fat tissue around the thighs. (4)

In a normal diet, we get small amounts of CLA through dairy and meat, but since most modern foods are depleted of CLA, it’s necessary to supplement with CLA to get the optimal amount for fat loss.

CLA has been shown to provide these benefits without any side effects from long-term use.

With the FLS you get enough CLA softgels to use the clinically proven dose of 3.4 grams per day. (4 softgels)

Green Tea capsules
100% Pesticide free Green Tea

Green tea has been well established as a safe and effective thermogenic fat loss agent. However, most green tea pills on the market use generic green tea extract from China which is practically guaranteed to have high levels of endocrine disrupting pesticides and other dangerous contaminates (due to the lack of federal regulation against pesticide use and the highly polluted plantation soil in China).

When we created our Green Tea caps we searched for the purest green tea in the world and found Nutriscience InnovaTea™ -- an organic compliant and 100% pesticide free green tea extract sourced from India, analyzed to be 100% free of contamination.
In addition, our green tea is standardized for an effective dose of polyphenols, catechins and EGCG. Just two capsules of green tea contain the same dose of catechins used in several human studies in which men and women taking green tea lost twice as much body fat as the non-green tea group. (5)

Our green tea also has a very small amount of naturally occurring caffeine, making it safe for virtually anybody. No insomnia. No rapid heart rate. No jitters.

The FLS includes 2 bottles of Green Tea capsules, which is an 8 week supply at 3 capsules per day (the same dose proven to burn fat).

8 Week Fat Loss Stack (FLS) Cycling Instructions


The stack may be continued for up to 12 weeks
Apply DermaTherm Target in the morning to "problem areas" after a shower.
Split CLA dose into 2 doses per day, taken with meals.
Split Green Tea dose into 2-3 doses per day, taken with meals.

Instead of just throwing together a diluted concoction of popular ingredients, we have put together truly functional ingredients backed by real research, which produce real results.

And remember, we guarantee you will be satisfied with our products. If for any reason the FLS doesn’t live up to your expectations, just return it for a full refund (If purchased directly from Primordial Performance).

I’d like to thank you for reading this news release and supporting Primordial Performance!

Yours in health & fitness,

Eric Potratz
Primordial Founder & President


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